
上图:1970年代的南港走廊. (图片来源:Explore Chicago)


19世纪,芝加哥人向北涌入湖景镇, 这是一个被称为美国芹菜之都的农业区. The newcomers turned truck farms into suburban subdivisions, incorporating as a city in 1887. 湖景镇的 couldn't make it on its own, and voted to join Chicago after two years of independence. 莱克维尤市长说,选民是“傻瓜”,但事情已经过去了.

湖景镇发展成为一个繁荣的工业区, with factories on Diversey Parkway and along the railroad that ran down Lakewood Avenue (you can still see traces of tracks). 一些老企业幸存了下来. 修道院山书店, 由一名德国移民在大火前建立, 还有丁克尔面包店, 这些都能让人想起湖景镇的德国社区.

到20世纪70年代,湖景镇拥有一个不同寻常的不断变化的人口. 美国印第安人加入了古老的德国和瑞典家族, 南方人, 拉美裔人, 同性恋者, 嬉皮士和日裔美国人. 像Zum Deutschen Eck这样的餐馆与乡巴佬的小酒馆共存, 民间的酒吧, 墨西哥卷饼和变装皇后. 不知怎么的,一切都成功了.

湖景镇的 started switching names regularly, a sure sign gentrification was coming. New Town, Wrigleyville, Boystown, Belmont Harbor, Graceland West: Some labels stuck and some didn't. 湖景镇逐渐发展成为今天的社区, 一个时尚的城市场所,有着深厚的历史和未来有待书写.


林肯大道的十字路口.阿什兰大道.和贝尔蒙特大道. 在30年代末. 这本湖景镇的简史就是根据这本书写的 “湖景”, 作者:马修·尼克森. (图片来源:Calumet 412)

林肯大道的十字路口.阿什兰大道.和贝尔蒙特大道. 在30年代末. 这本湖景镇的简史就是根据这本书写的 “湖景”, 作者:马修·尼克森. (图片来源:Calumet 412)


位于河景游乐园的阿拉丁城堡. 了解更多关于河景游乐园的遗产 在这个交互特性中 从美国. (照片:美国)

位于河景游乐园的阿拉丁城堡. 了解更多关于河景游乐园的遗产 在这个交互特性中 从美国. (照片:美国)



罗斯科村 began as a community at the end of the 19th Century when developers bought the land west of 西方的大街nue to construct the "world's largest amusement park.该公园也被称为河景公园,于1903年正式开放. ​

当游客蜂拥到公园时, 贝尔蒙特附近的商家开始营业, 罗斯科, 为每年成千上万来到公园的游客提供服务. 这些企业中约有一半是酒吧和小酒馆. 几十名游乐园的工作人员也搬到了这里,盖了自己的家.

该村在1920年左右经历了经济发展的第一次繁荣. Frame houses and brick and greystone two-flats sprung up, making 罗斯科村 “the place to be.”

罗斯科村有很多芝加哥常见的褐砂石建筑, 平房, 工厂空间被改造成公寓. 绰号“城中村”," the main business avenue of 罗斯科圣reet provides an abundance of locally-owned restaurants and shops.


舒巴斯酒馆(Schubas Tavern)曾经是一家“被捆绑的房子”,二楼窗户上方的Schlitz标志表明了这一点.

舒巴斯酒馆(Schubas Tavern)曾经是一家“被捆绑的房子”,二楼窗户上方的Schlitz标志表明了这一点.


Get an inside look at select 湖景镇的 and 罗斯科村 landmarks at Chicago Architecture Center’s annual 芝加哥开放日 10月.

雅典娜剧院,北纬2936号. 南安普顿的大街.

1911年开业, The Athenaeum Theatre is the oldest continuously-operating off-Loop theater in Chicago. 德裔美国人在圣. Alphonsus built it to stage neighborhood theatrical productions and German folk operas. 这座建筑长期以来一直是艺术中心. 它提供办公室, rehearsal space and several small studio theatres for numerous performing arts organizations. Several past tenants, like Lookingglass, have gone on to become very well-known. Though a fire damaged the building in 1939, the beautiful main auditorium survived unscathed. 它有近1000个座位,保留了旧世界的优雅. (资料来源:芝加哥建筑中心)

Beat Kitchen, 2100 W. 贝尔蒙特大街.

Beat Kitchen是芝加哥首屈一指的音乐场所之一, 还包括餐厅和酒吧,提供食物和饮料. 位于一座1889年的历史建筑内, it has hosted many debut shows by local and touring bands who are attracted to its intimate stage. 在任何一个夜晚, 你会发现朋克, garage and power-pop acts performing on stage while regulars post up at the bar in front. It's also a hub for local stand-up, hosting the weekly show Chicago Underground Comedy each Tuesday. (资料来源:Time Out Chicago)

星座,北纬3111度. 西方的大街.

In March of 2013 Chicago musician and arts presenter Mike Reed opened Constellation in the building that formerly housed the Viaduct Theater. 与林克斯大厅建立了独特的合作关系, which shares space in the building and frequently organizes and produces cross-disciplinary programs and events together, Constellation quickly filled a void in the city’s cultural landscape by providing a reliable, 高端爵士乐表演平台, 简易, 实验, 当代古典音乐. 每年, more than 600 musicians —the bulk of which hail from the Chicago area—perform at Constellation on more than 220 concerts. (资料来源:Constellation Chicago)

Lane Tech, 2501 W. 艾迪生圣.

Lane Tech is a large, coeducational seventh through twelfth grade public high school. 从一百多年前开始到现在, Lane Tech has been a leader among the most outstanding educational institutions in Chicago. Lane Tech opened as a manual training school for boys until the 1930s when its mandate was changed to that of a college preparatory school. The current building, situated on a beautiful thirty-acre campus, was opened in 1934. 1971年9月,女学生第一次进入莱恩理工学院的大门. 今天 they make up roughly half of the student body and have helped maintain Lane Tech’s “Championship” tradition. 延续精益求精的传统, 2011年9月, Lane Tech established a six-year Academic Center program and moved from a ninth through twelfth grade program of study to a seventh through twelfth grade program of study. (资料来源:Lane Tech College Prep High School)

马什菲尔德信托储蓄银行大厦,3301北. 林肯大街.

This terra-cotta-clad flat-iron building makes the most of its triangular building lot. 就像许多20世纪20年代的社区银行一样, the Marshfield Trust and Savings Bank employed the Classical Revival style of architecture to convey a sense of permanence and security. 拱廊式两层拱形窗户横跨两条街道立面. 建筑承包商是艾弗里·布伦戴奇, 谁后来成为了国际奥委会主席. 一楼现在是亚瑟·默里湖景舞蹈中心.

音乐盒剧院,北纬3733号. 南安普顿的大街.

1929年开业, The Music Box Theatre serves as Chicago’s premier venue for independent and foreign films. With 700 seats, it is the largest film theater space operating full-time in the city. 音乐盒剧院每年放映300部电影, ranging from provocative documentaries and avant-garde midnight shows to family friendly sing-a-longs.

舒巴斯酒馆,北纬3159. 南安普顿的大街.

历史悠久的舒巴斯酒馆, 位于Southport和Belmont大道, 曾经是一个“捆绑的房子”吗,二楼窗户上方的Schlitz标志表明了这一点. Brewing companies at the turn of the century built and controlled their own bars, 谁只卖自己的产品. 其他与施利茨有关的房屋包括现在位于Southport Lanes的大楼, 以及贝尔蒙特大道和莱维特街交汇处的一栋大楼. (摘自马修·尼克森(Matthew Nickerson)的《最全的加拿大28走势图》(Lake View)一书,阿卡迪亚出版社.)

St. 阿方索斯教堂(西元1429年. 威灵顿大街.

高耸的中央钟楼覆盖着饱经风霜的绿铜. 阿方索斯一直是南港六路交叉路口的突出特色, 林肯和惠灵顿从1896年开始. 这个教区是由赎主会神父于1882年建立的. 它是芝加哥北部德国社区的主要中心. The Gothic-Revival interior features a royal blue ceiling with pointed arches and golden ribwork in starburst patterns. 这个天花板是在1950年的一场大火后修复的. 壁画、雕像、彩色玻璃和浅浮雕使丰富的内部更加丰满. The neighboring Athenaeum Theater—originally a German community center and folk opera theater—is still owned by the church. (资料来源:芝加哥建筑中心)

Wahl-Eversharp铅笔工厂阁楼,1800 W. 罗斯科圣.

Charles Rood Keeran obtained his patent for what we now call a mechanical pencil on March 9, 1915. He signed a contract with the Wahl Adding Machine Company of Chicago to manufacture Eversharp pencils in a factory building located at 1800 W. 罗斯科圣. 沃尔还通过收购波士顿钢笔公司进入了钢笔行业. 在整个20世纪40年代,它仍然是一个主要的参与者, but a series of missteps in its attempts to enter the then-new field of ballpoint pens hurt the company badly. 1957年,派克笔公司收购了Eversharp. Eversharp这个名字被使用了一段时间, but within a few years the production of Eversharp pens and pencils had come to an end. Former Historic Properties developer Robert Finnigan once referred to the old factory building at 1800 W. 罗斯科圣. “一个完全被住宅包围的岛屿。.那是在他和商业伙伴卡尔文·伯德(Calvin Boender)开始装修之前, in 1988, 把这栋64岁的老建筑改造成新的阁楼公寓. 今天, the 罗斯科村 Pencil Factory Lofts are among the neighborhood's most envied properties, 这些公寓很少有货,但一旦有了就会迅速被抢购一空. (资料来源:Industrial 历史 and Pencil Factoy Lofts)